Diamond – our high point range and definitively hard to beat!

IC direct, IC protect, IC balanced, IC digital, speaker cable single wiring, DUO single wiring (doubled wire), DUO bi-wiring, DUO bi-amping and power cord

Diamond cables are in fact a boost of the reference plus conductors. Here we have 47 (!) mostly organic components applied on the UP-OCC solid core wire. And this in very precise time intervals over several weeks. An extremely time-consuming production method, then we can only start production six weeks later.

A great input for an incredible output: A highlight for all music lovers. Enjoy the colours of music!

Again more of everything

  • magical quiet music reproduction where the whole field of frequency can be heard completely stressless
  • more dynamic and transparent and remarkably subtile in high frequency
  • fascinating reproduction of voices, especially female voices
  • deeper, sonorous and precise bass


  • IC direct RCA with WBT nextgen technology
  • IC protect RCA with WBT nextgen technology
  • IC balanced XLR with UP-OCC technology


  • RCA plugs with WBT nextgenTM and WBT- PlasmaProtectTM
  • XLR plugs with UP OCC technology

WBT nanoGenTM carbon connectors mark a new era. In the PVD process an electrically neutralized carrier gets hit with pure carbon. This material is significantly superior to any other materials due to its phase preservation and rapidness. Besides, in this technology eddy current and mass storage effects cannot develop at all.

WBT nanoGenTM is a technological breakthrough and a milestone in the development of innovative connectors.


  • DIAMOND single – single wiring
  • DIAMOND DUO – double single wiring
  • DIAMOND DUO – bi-wiring
  • DIAMOND DUO – bi-amping

All versions

  • banana plugs
  • spade plugs


  • WBT nextgenTM banana plug with WBT-PlasmaProtectTM
  • WBT nextgenTM sandwich spade with WBT-PlasmaProtectTM

WBT nanoGenTM carbon connectors mark a new era. In the PVD process an electrically neutralized carrier gets hit with pure carbon. This material is significantly superior to any other materials due to its phase preservation and rapidness. Besides, in this technology eddy current and mass storage effects cannot develop at all.

WBT nanoGenTM is a technological breakthrough and a milestone in the development of innovative connectors.